Supra Express Key Invoices will be sent at the end of November; Payable to Supra by January 1, 2021.

Supra Express Key Invoices will be sent at the end of November; Payable to Supra by January 1, 2021.

Supra will be invoicing GBAR Agents for their Express KEYs at the end of November.

IMPORTANT NOTICE If you plan to discontinue using your Supra Key or are leaving GBAR at the end of December:

Please help the Association Office with recordkeeping and turn in your Supra Express Key and charger to the office before December 21. If the equipment is not returned by then, you may still owe the Supra System Fee for January 1 through June 30, 2021 even if you are no longer using the KeyBox System or have discontinued GBAR membership. If Express Keys are not returned at all, Supra will continue to bill you for the monthly access fees indefinitely.

OR If you have an e-Key, and you are leaving the Association, you must CALL the Association Office to deactivate your Supra e-Key!!!! Or you will continue to be charged monthly on your credit card.

If you are discontinuing use of the Supra Express Key OR Supra e-Key and are not paying January’s Supra Invoice, you must also turn in all leased Key Boxes immediately. You will be billed for as much as $110 per box for unreturned Boxes.

To access Supra Billing Information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, go to, or call (877) 699-6787 to speak to a Supra Support Specialist. Finally, now is the time to take care of any outstanding invoices that you owe the Association, or your dues and fees payment cannot be accepted. Thank you for reviewing this information! David Lounsbury, Executive Officer